First off, I want to talk about the state of my hair when I first decided to use the product. I was only a few weeks post-relaxer and my hair was lacking in the strength category. After each application, my hair felt stronger for the most part and I was able to validate this assumption with the amount of hair lost at each wash and set. Its hard to believe that even with this new growth I'm now dealing with, I'm loosing less hair then I did with recently relaxed hair.
For those of you interested in trying this product, keep in mind that different products react to the hair differently. If going without conditioner does not sit right with your hair, you may try using the product with the conditioner. I wouldn't go through each application without conditioner if your hair does not react well to it. Do your hair diligence and measure your results with this product closely.
I also want to say that you need to make sure you have a killer moisturizer on hand in case your hair feels a bit parched from going without deep conditioning. Shea oil did the trick for me! I have no idea how this experiment would have turned out if it were'nt for my shea.
Last but not least, I'd recommend skipping the cheap conditioner when you pre-poo and go for the real thing. Might as well use the good stuff since you won't be conditioning after the wash. My hair definitely liked it when I used the good stuff as a pre-poo. I'm thinking of continuing with this practice going forward.
Next week I'll condition my hair as normal and go back to doing what I did before the L'Oreal Hair Fixer. I'm almost sad to see this day come. I will not be giving up this product cold turkey. In fact, I plan on purchasing another box and using the solution as a supplement to my normal routine. Since the solution is so watery, I'll just use it along with my leave-in. Now that I think of it, I may also use the option of alternating between using the product with and without conditioner. The possibilities are endless. Either way, the L'Oreal Hair Fixer is definitely a permanent part of my hair routine rotation.
For those of you who want to see some proof of what I experienced, you can view my pictures from my previous post.
As a special treat, I've also included some pictures below of my shed/broken hairs from each set.
This picture includes six weeks work of hair loss data. The hair ball on the left is my first week using the Hair Fixer. As you can see, the amount of hair I would loose before this product was insane! The second hair ball was two weeks after my first wash so it also included an extra week of shedding.

Take a look at the first week of hair loss up close.

Compare that with the last week of hair loss up close.

I'm a very happy girl!
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L'Oreal Hair Fixer Review Part I
Okay, I was doing good on my "no new products" challenge...but errr uhhh...I'm so gonna have to try this. I'm on MT right now, and IDK about the shedding (due to a full sew-in), but the hair balls I had after removing the last weave was a lil scary. The hair ball comparison sold me!
ReplyDeleteThat's great!
ReplyDeleteCan you update about the airdry thing at your next wash too please.
[Once I put my hair in a ponytail (whether its one ponytail or pigtails) I take the loose hair (the actual ponytail) and pull up towards the front of my hair. Then I pin the hair to my scalp with a bobby pin and tie a satin scarf to help keep the edges down. Hope that helps clarify. If not, let me know and I can take a pic next time I airdry.]
Wow! It really worked out for you.
ReplyDeleteI've been following your updates and now I'm sold! I hope this works for me as well as it did for you. Thanks for the info.
ReplyDeletetks soooo much, got my 1st experience with the l'oreal hair fixer and i was soooo happy with it
ReplyDeletei did it like you recommend me too, only shampoo be4 applying it and i air dried in a ponytail
When i took the ponytail out, i was begging for someone to make me stop playing with my hair ! loool
tks so so much, will keep you updated ;-)
Your post is the only source of info that applied to AA hair and the hair fixer. I have natural hair but have been experiencing breakage for a long while. I heard the wonders of the hair fixer and decided to try it--- once I found out how to use it on kinky hair. Granted your hair is relax, I feel the steps you used in applying the product to your hair will be helpful when I apply it to mine. So, first off, thank you. I aim to try it out tonight and I will let you know how it goes. Let me know if this routine is promising; I know that the product will be different for all hair types but I just wanted your input:
ReplyDeletePrepoo with a good condish; shampoo (conditioner-less?); towel dry and apply hair fixer to damp hair; apply killer moisturizer; air dry; style--- do it again in the following week?
I hope this makes sense but I am assured that you can help in this. I'm excited because my hair needs this. Thanks again!
ReplyDeleteYep, the routine was pretty simple. Make sure you use a great product to prepoo and an effective moisturizer afterwards. You also want to keep an eye on your moisture levels if you are deciding to use it six weeks in a row like I did. If you feel you need to skip a week, deep condition, and return the following week your hair will be just fine.
Let me know how it goes!
I forgot to let you know how it went!! It's been months! Well, I tried the hair fixer and it worked wonderfully on my hair. I mean, the effects were immediate. My hair was stronger, I couldn't believe it. After applying my moisturizer, I enjoyed stronger hair for about... 3 days. The breakage gradually came back. Being a natural head, I'm crazy about my strands avoiding breakage. Let's just say, after the hair fixer didn't solve my problems, I cut off 3 inches of my hair. It was tough, but I could not take that breakage anymore. My hair has grown since then and it is in a much better state than before. I plan on using the Hair Fixer on my now healthier hair-- not so much to stop breakage but to maintain strength. I'll be sure to let you know! Thanks for your informative blog. As a natural, it's just as useful.