Video: Health & Fitness Inspiration // How to use this video to change your habits.

After I got my Ipad, I noticed a feature which allowed me to play saved photos in sequence to my favorite song.  Once I knew this feature existed, I created a "playlist" of some of the most inspiring pics I found online.  Most of these pics featured ladies with flawless skin, gorgeous hair, and perfect figures.  Also included were images of my dream car, coveted handbags, etc.

I played those images daily (every morning) while generating feelings of having already received what I desired.  Many of those desires have since come to life.  Thinking back to how effective that practice became, I decided to create a video dedicated to inspiring my health and fitness habits.  But then I said, "why don't I make this a public video so everyone can benefit?"  The purpose of this video is not to make anyone feel bad, guilty, etc about their bodies or eating habits.  My intention is that you view this video so frequently that you begin to impact your subconscious.  The first time you watch, you may feel inspired while your actions remain the same.  But if you continue to stay consistent, you may find that your resistance to eating healthy and exercising starts to subside.  Eventually, living a healthy lifestyle becomes part of you and you start to reap the benefits.  

May I recommend that you watch the video in full screen? While you a watching, feel free to mentally repeat affirmations to yourself like: 
  • "I love my healthy, fit body."
  • "I enjoy working out, I love moving my body."
  • "I have an amazing figure, I'm fit, toned, and beautiful."
  • "I'm so grateful for my body."
  • "I have so much energy and I love eating healthy."
You get the point. The idea is that you feel good while watching. When I would watch my motivation videos, I would smile to myself and feel connected to the images no matter how different they were from my reality.  Don't allow yourself to feel any other way.  Feel good knowing that you are in the process of creating your ideal figure and your ideal future.  

Thanks for watching.  Enjoy.

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  1. I absolutely love this! I love the fact that your blog is not only about healthy hair but a healthy lifestyle overall! I just decided to start my hair and fitness journey to get to the overall healthy state I was in during high school. I am about to complete my 6 month stretch and start a July challenge of eating clean and physical training. Your blog has so much inspiration! :)

  2. that was a great video, very inspiring. Even though I work out quite a bit, I am forever falling off the band wagon. I love your motivation mondays for making me realize that falling off doesn't have to mean staying off forever! Now, if only i could figure out this whole clean eating thing!

  3. Such an inspiring video. Definitely makes me want to work out and sort my diet out watching this x

  4. Okay this video works! I watched it twice yesterday, and this morning I was laying in bed. I've been working out everyday this week, but today getting up was hard. I had cramps, and I started using excuses, ohh I can just go tomorrow, today's a holiday, I deserve a break etc etc. Then I thought about these women and what they would do, and how their bodies look and I said alright I'm heading to the gym. Thanks so much for posting this :)

  5. Wow! The law of attraction is amazing! I was just watching "The Secret" movie and as I was watching I was consciously working on positive thoughts. For whatever reason, I decided to pause the video and go to your website - and this is what I see!! Love your blog, so motivational and encouraging. Thanks for all you do!!

  6. Loved this video. Very inspiring. Thanks for posting this.

  7. Thanks for posting. Love your blog! Such an inspiration.


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