Fitness Friday | Love Yourself

Happy Friday everyone & Happy Valentine's day!  Hopefully your day will be filled with loads of love and appreciation.  Today is also (Health &) Fitness Friday.  Since today is a special day,  I'd like to engage in a conversation with you about love.  More specifically, loving yourself.

Telling someone you love them is one thing, but showing love and appreciation takes it to another level.  Too often we fail to demonstrate love to the person who needs it the most....ourselves.  Life gets super busy and we place all of our energy on fulfilling the needs & demands of others.   Sometimes this happens at the mercy of our own well being.  Today I'm here to preach the message of showing love to oneself.  One of the most common ways to show you love someone or something is by taking great care of it.

Sometimes when I think if my fitness journey, I see it through the lens of "I need to get my body right!"   Rarely do I say to myself "I haven't been taking care of myself lately."  Same thing when my water intake is low.  I start thinking, "I got to drink more so my skin can get better" not "I haven't been putting myself first." When I don't sleep enough it's "I need to sleep more because I'm starting to look really exhausted."  I can go on.  But the point is that I realize that my actions are fueled by the desire to "fix" a situation rather than from a place of true care and concern.  If I truly did what I did from a place of love, my actions would be consistent. I'd act proactively and consistently.  No more reacting to outward signs of neglect.
So I'm ready to participate in a 7 Day Love Myself Challenge!  My last 7 Day Challenge was an amazing success so I'm maintaining that habit and layering a new one.  For the next 7 Days (and beyond),  I will do "the things I know I should do" out of love and care for myself, not merely out of obligation.  I've  set a daily reminder on my phone that reads:

"I love you!"  I will care for you by drinking water, exercising and making sure I look my best.  My goal is to create a mindset shift so I wake up every morning thinking of ways to love myself.  To love my hair, my skin, my mind, my body, my environment, my financial situation, my life! Would you like to join me in a 7 Day Love Myself Challenge?


  1. Nadege, you are so right. When we're motivated by love---its easier to be consistent and stay focused!

    Thanks for sharing and linking up!

    KLP | SavingOurStrands

  2. I am in. "I will care and love myself by starting every day in prayer and gratitude, drink 1 gallon of water each day, supplement a meal with a smoothie or juiced beverage and do a 30 min work out"

  3. Definitely going to try this challenge! Although I do love myself, you're right we do forget to act as though we love ourselves.

    Lovely post :) x

  4. Great post!
    I was thinking about all the things I have been doing recently and realised there is no ending if that makes sense. I don't get my skin, hair and body to a point then stop, it's ongoing but your post has reminded me that looking after myself sorry Loving myself should never be a burden and over all wellness is priceless

  5. wow, I love how people who are so distant could be sharing such similar thoughts. Last week, I was experiencing a little let down about always feeling drained and low energy at the end of the day, and thus not wanting to maintain some of my beauty and health responsibilities. So early last week I started to repeat the mantra, "I love myself so I take good care of my mind and body" . I started repeating it every night before bed and during instances where I needed a little extra motivation to get through it. I found that love is such a powerful force that when I remind myself of it, gives me more energy and inspiration.


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