Beautiful Morning | NeoCell Super Collagen Morning Ritual


I've heard stories from beauties like Iman and Beverly Johnson about the rituals they've maintained since childhood that have kept them glowing and flawless all of these years.  Then I reflect back and realize that, aside from my water intake, I have no real consistent routines.  After asking myself, "what would my future self in 10 years wish I did today?" I came to the conclusion that I could take my simple act of drinking water first thing in the morning, to the next level.

Drinking water in the AM works to cleanse our systems, eliminate toxins and rehydrates.  Then we learned how adding a little lemon to the water helps alkalize our pH balance, provides nutrition and further helps improve digestion.  Lemon water in the morning is a pretty amazing ritual on its own but, of course there's always a way to make everything better.

I had this thought of adding collagen powder to warm lemon water each morning.  Hopefully the fine powder would easily dissolve into the warm water.  In prior months, I consistently swallowed 3 fairly large collagen capsules each day.  The powder would be a more powerful solution. My bloodstream would immediately have access to the collagen not to mention how well the collagen pairs with the vitamin C from the lemon.

"C" is for collagen.  I'll never forget those words. Vitamin C is an essential nutrient needed for the  proper building of collagen. Some supplements add vitamin C to its ingredient list. NeoCell powdered collagen suggests you blend it with orange juice but I prefer lemon water as a sugar free alternative.  The powder dissolves seamlessly into the warm water leaving behind no taste.  The ritual is perfect. Best of all, it's easy enough to do daily.  I know that future me approves.

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  1. In the morning I mix camu powder, great lakes gelatin(green bottle), sulfur defense msm with bolthouse blueberry juice. Gives me great energy and glowing skin. I also noticed hair growth and thickness.

  2. I also drink braggs acv 3 times a day. As a hot tea, when adding Organic raw honey, or even iced cider or just plain. Recently just began trying coconut vinegar. Great health benefits. Balances the ph in your body and speeds up metabolism

  3. I've been experimenting with different supplements and their effects and I must say that MSM and collagen are officially part of my for lie supplement list. Both have proved to be beneficial in a number of ways and I cannot get adequate amounts through my diet.


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