Interior Inspiration // Concrete floors

I've fallen in love with the simple, clean look of concrete flooring.  With just a little research I learned of concrete finishing which is quickly becoming a trend.   If When I have the opportunity to design my living space, at least one room will feature amazing floors.  


  1. I am from South Africa in most houses we have that type of flooring.

  2. Have you seen the stained concrete countertops? Those are pretty amazing and I will definitely do one in my kitchen. So... I grew up in Botswana and concrete were the norm because sometimes folks couldn't afford carpeting etc. They can be very nice and cool during the summer. A bit hard on your back coz you are walking on a surface that has no give/bounce/cushioning. It's a bit weird for me to see something that was associated with lack become so trendy!

  3. Concrete countertops? Off to Google to search.

  4. This is great! The stained concrete floors really do blend well with the overall design of the place! This is what I always love to look at whenever I finish a concrete resurfacing project. It's not a business anymore, it's art!

  5. Great flooring ideas! Now I'm hard up on what flooring to choose. But this is great!

  6. Awesome flooring ideas! Truly, stained concrete has always been a perfect complement for any interior design.

  7. Cleaning couldn't be any simpler when you have decided to add concrete cleaning floors to your property. Chape


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