My Search for a Holy Grail Skin & Body Exfoliator is Now Complete

Glowing Skin
What's your definition of a holy grail product? For me, when a product reaches holy grail status, it means this product has met all of your needs. You no longer desire to seek out alternatives to create better results because you found the product of your dreams.

Well, ladies, I have found the exfoliating products of my dreams.  For years I've written about the impact of physical exfoliation and how it holds the key to beautiful skin.

  I've tested a lot of products in search of the one.  Today, I'm here to proclaim that I have indeed found my holy grail exfoliating products.  And life will never be the same.
When I first learned of Crystal Peel microdermabrasion exfoliation bar, I knew deep down that I stumbled onto something spectacular.  The fact that this product contained actual microdermabrasion crystals made it stand out from everything I've ever tried before.

It wasn't until I finally tried the bar that I realized how special this product truly is. Before I talk about my exfoliation experience, I'd like to explain why this scrubbing bar is superior.

The Crystal Peel line was created nearly 2 decades ago by a woman with 30 years of experience as a formulation chemist.  They were first developed for dermatologists and plastic surgeons to sell to their clients.  Thankfully, the good people at Crystal Peel now offer their patented products to the general public.

Yes, you heard me correctly, this exfoliating soap is so incredible that it actually has a patent.  What other beauty product you know can make this claim?  Because of its patented status, we can assume that nothing else on the market that compares.  What makes this bar special is that it contains two types of exfoliating crystals.  Not only that, it's also infused with skin healthy ingredients like aloe, shea butter, and olive oil.

The scrubbing power of this bar is exactly what I have been seeking.  Nothing else I've ever tried works as well as this.  It's pretty intense.  But once I got used to the bar, I figured out how to make it work best for me.  I find that rubbing the soap in small circles worked beautifully.
After sharing my love for this brand on IG, a representative reached out to me and offered to send me a few of their items to try.  Their goodie bag also included their Microdermabrasion Exfoliating Creme.   I have a few facial exfoliators in my collection which includes:

  • Fresh's Sugar Face Polish
  • Exfolikate By Kate Somerville
  • Body Shop's Vitamin C's Microdermabrasion Exfoliator.
Crystal Peel's exfoliating Creme is by far my absolute favorite of the bunch for so many reasons.  The crystals are ultra fine but powerful.  They don't dissolve like the Sugar Face Polish.  This means that I can work my skin for a full 60 seconds.  What I absolutely love is how creamy and hydrating the formula is.  My other exfoliators are kinda dry which makes it difficult to use the product.  This feels like almost like a moisturizing cleansing cream with tiny grains.  It's probably the most gentle of all of my exfoliators but also the most powerful.  I can't get enough.

Since this is a professional grade product, it comes with a slightly higher price tag.  But I'm thankful that the Crystal Peel brand offers several sizes so you can treat your skin without breaking the bank.  

A few of you have already tried the microdermabrasion bar and have shared your positive feedback. If you like the bar, you'll love their facial exfoliator......promise. 

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