Here's How to Eat Rice and Potatoes Without Gaining Weight.

Weight Loss


Once food prices started getting out of control, I made a few adjustments to my grocery list to include more low cost staples that would stretch farther.  On the top of that list is rice.  I'm from the caribbean so rice is pretty much eaten at every meal.  But, as I grew older, I slowed down on my rice consumption because of concern around its effect on my blood glucose.  

White rice is all carbs and no fiber, so the body experiences a massive rise in blood sugar as the rice is digested.  That spike in blood sugar could be problematic if you're pre-diabetic or have insulin resistance.  As someone who weighs themselves regularly, I know that consuming rice consistently has a noticeable effect on my weight.  This probably has to do with the combination of a spike in glucose (which prompts the body to store fat) and the increased water retention that happens whenever we consume a bunch of carbs.  

I enjoy eating rice and it's budget friendly for the times we live in.  But how can I modify its effect to my metabolic health (and waistline)?

Thankfully, I found a couple of solutions to my dilemma that could change everything. 

The first option is one I've discussed several years ago.  Instead of filling up on white rice, I can try going black.  Many of us are familiar with brown rice as a suitable alternative to white rice but black rice might be an even healthier option.  Because of its high fiber content, it's considered a low glycemic food, meaning it doesn't cause a massive blood sugar spike.   I've even read that black rice actually pushes glucose into the cells and away from the blood.  So basically, it behaves in the exact opposite   of white rice when it comes to managing blood sugar levels.  

If this wasn't enough to convince you, I also want to inform you that eating black rice could actually help you to control your appetite. 

Whenever I eat white rice, I always seem to want more.  White rice can perpetuate a cycle of overeating which can lead to unwanted weight gain.  It seems like black rice is an ally if you want to maintain a healthy weight.  Black rice is loaded with protein and fiber. Those two macronutrients are famous for helping to reduce excessive cravings.   Not only does it curb your appetite, it's loaded with antioxidants that combat free radicals.  No other rice can do that. 

But, if black rice isn't your thing, I offer another solution.  You can still eat white rice, you just have to change the way you eat it.

....let me explain. 

Typically, I'll make rice for dinner and scarf down a couple bowls shortly after the meal is prepared.  
Apparently, I've been doing it all wrong.   Eating freshly prepared white rice is going to do a number on your blood sugar levels.  But...eating leftover rice changes the effect it has on our body.  Check out this video that explains what I mean. 


Cooled white rice blood sugar test

♬ original sound - Jason Wittrock

Who would've thought that by just cooling the rice first before consuming it, would make such a difference to the impact on our bodies.  By the way, this idea of cooling certain foods to increase their levels of resistant starch also applies to potatoes as well (you're welcome).  By simply cooling your starchy foods before consuming, you're elevating resistance starch levels dramatically. 

 Resistant starch is a prebiotic which means it helps promote optimal gut health. Resistant starch also helps us feel fuller which might explain why I typically eat less rice on day 2 versus immediately after its prepared.  It seems like cooling overnight is the best way to promote maximum levels of resistant starch so I'll have to do a better job at meal planning.   But it seems like it'll all be worth it in the end. I'm just grateful that I can continue to enjoy one of my favorite foods in a much healthier way. 

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