The Case for Revamping Your Entire Makeup Routine


I just realized that it's been a while since I've worked on improving a personal skill. For the most part, I've been living my day to day based on what I've learned in the past. This no longer works for me because unsharpened skills can get outdated really fast.  

The first skill I plan to work on deliberately is the art of applying makeup.

  The inspiration for this comes from some recent observations.   Having followed loads of influencers and reality stars on social media for years, I've noticed that some of them really glowed up as the months and years went by.  I tried to pinpoint what was different between when I was first introduced to them compared to how they look today.  One of the most common factors was how their makeup had improved.

One recent example I noticed just recently.  A reality show contestant wore the same makeup day after day while the season was filming.  Her makeup was on brand with her aesthetic, and she's a beautiful woman so, overall, I didn't think her makeup looked that bad.  But, once the show was over, and she attended the reunion episode, she hired a makeup artist to do her face.  

When I tell you the difference in her appearance was night and day.

 The makeup artist brought out her best features using more "modern" makeup techniques that produced more natural looking results.  The reality star herself admitted to fans that she's had the same makeup routine since forever.  It worked for her but, at the same time, her favorite makeup look was a bit dated and too harsh for her face.

A few weeks later, she was commissioned to work with a brand on a paid campaign.  Once again, a (different) makeup artist did her face.  And once again, she looked younger, more put together, and even more stunning overall.  At this point, I started doubting my current makeup routine. What if I was stuck in the same pattern of repeating the same makeup style day after day when I could be learning new techniques that could change everything.

The influencers and celebrities I've observed have worked with multiple makeup artists and likely picked up tips and tricks, along the way.

Unfortunately for me, I don't have many opportunities to have my makeup done by a professional.  On the rare occasions when it does happen, I typically hate the results.  That's probably because they have their own vision of the final look which doesn't always work with my specific features.  But I don't necessarily think my current makeup routine is optimal for my features either.  Don't get me wrong, my current routine is suitable, but I wouldn't say it's optimal.  I remember having my makeup done at the counter in Neiman Marcus.  She was a pro makeup artist with YSL Beauty and executed the most perfect eye makeup look that I ever had.  

I've never been able to replicate that eye look ever again.  Why? Because I never practiced it.  I simply admired her work, wished I had the same level of skill as her, and went back to my old, uninspired routine. This is the same thing I see that one reality TV star doing.  She gets her makeup done, looks amazing, then immediately returns to her signature look. If I compare her to the other reality stars I've observed, the others seemed to have evolved as time went on and picked up techniques that truly enhanced their overall look. 

I plan on taking the path of those who continue to experiment with and improve their everyday makeup.  How do I plan to do that?  Simple...with practice.    Years ago, I couldn't log into YouTube without seeing countless makeup tutorials from beauty gurus.  But once COVID hit, people abandoned focusing on makeup and turned all their attention (rightfully) toward mastering perfect skin.  

I left corporate America nearly a decade ago so I rarely wear makeup except when I go to dinners.  In those cases, I'm executing the makeup using the same techniques I've used countless times before.  There's been zero improvement in how the finished results look. 

If I'm only wearing makeup on occasions when I leave the house, then I'm not truly practicing. My night-out makeup look should include a new technique that I've practiced or mastered throughout the week.  I also need to (mentally) transport myself back to the 2010s when I'd log into YouTube and scroll through makeup tutorials.  But this time, I'll seek out makeup looks that I actually want to replicate and not just watch for entertainment purposes. 
I know for a fact that if I consistently practice various application techniques, my results will continue to improve.  I know this because I've done it before and had gotten to the point where I even received unexpected compliments on my makeup.  But, alas, I never maintained the habit of continuously building on what I learned, and eventually, my results began to decline once again. 

From what I noticed, the girls who have the best makeup routine are the ones who are always telling their audience about a new technique they've been trying out.  They're always tweaking and they're always improving.  Let's become like them.  Let's put a little more effect into our craft so we can keep putting our best face forward. 

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