Curly Nikki Mizani Meet Up event Part Deux

The Curly Nikki/Mizani natural hair meet up was in full force. This fabulous event was hosted at the Blue Martini and there were tons of ladies in attendance.

I got there a little late. When I wandered in the place was pretty much packed. The folks from Mizani and Michelle, from were on stage educating the audience on Mizani's new line of products made for curly textures.

At that moment, I looked around and realized that pretty much everyone in the room had a cute little gift back containing samples and product information. Since I was running behind schedule, there were no gift bags left.

That's when my pouting session began. I was like "how come I didn't get a gift bag?" How am I going to sample these potentially amazing products?"

Just then Michelle began announcing winners and lo and behold, my name was announced! Instead of itty bitty samples, I won full sized bottles of the entire line!

Once my taste for hair products had been satisfied, that's when I decided to do what I do stalking.

Nikki was such a gracious hostess! She made time to take pics and chat with the fabulous ladies in attendance.

For the remainder of the night, I pretty much worked the room asking perfect strangers if I could take pics of their hair. So now I'll step back and allow you to indulge in the barrage of beautiful natural hair porn. Enjoy!

Yeah! Someone recognized me from the blog! She also won a full sized gift back (and so did her mom).

Now back to the glorious hair gazing........

Will definitely do this again! Thanks Nikki/Mizani/Naturally Curly for hosting such a wonderful event. I'm trying to partner with the Mizani folks to host a giveaway. Once it's set I'll share the details.

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  1. Great pics! what kind of camera is that!!!!

  2. Hi Kinkycurlycoil! It's a Canon 50D SLR camera. Thanks

  3. love all the BEAUTIFUL hair...

    dee in san diego

  4. I love it! Thanks for sharing!!! =)

  5. Thanks for sharing! And you are a lucky girl!!! lol

  6. Great pics. Awesome event. Looks like loads of fun. Can't wait to hear more about the mizani products you got.


  7. Love your blog even if i don't relaxed my hair love the fact that you future Natural hair women; IT is not about a war between the natural and the relaxed ones; It is a war between un healthy hair ; God Bless you;

    Can you check my blog and ask me what i need to have more lenght?


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